New Music: Johnny Polygon
While surfing the blogosphere today, I came across a post on Freemotion Hip Hop about a rapper named Johnny Polygon. After listening to a couple of his tracks, I can understand why he's worth writing up.
Johnny Polygon started rapping in Tulsa, Oklahoma at the age of 14. After releasing a few EP's including "Journey to I" (which received acclaim in the Midwest) in 2000. He released a few more before making the big jump and moving to Los Angeles in January 2005.
His lyrics are honest. Actually, they're a little too honest. In his song "Lose Control," he calls out all the stupid things people get addicted to and abuse: Weed, sex, bling, short skirts, shirts that say "slut"...all the while admiting to his own faults. His delivery is almost that of a stand up comedian meets a 1930's ragtime songwriter. On the track "Wanna Be," he raps about wanting to be a hip hop head over heavy funk basslines. Really, the production of his tracks are not something to brush off.
And even though he got notice from major record labels, Johnny Polygon chose to sell his newest album, Leggo My Eggo on his own. His website, though not up to what it could be (even he'll say that), has sample MP3s and you can always hit him up on his MySpace page. Go ahead...hit him up...and buy his album. Support indie artists.
Photo courtesy of Johnny Polygon's MySpace Page