
Indie Spotlight - Sonnymoon

Download: Sonnymoon - Golden Age
Sonnymoon - Nursery Boys
Sonnymoon - Houstatlantavegas (Drake Cover)
I've gotta jump on the early blog bandwagon and endorse indie group Sonnymoon. I just caught their ‘video’ for ‘Runaway’ and was immediately on it. Two white kids in what appears to be a bedroom with a drum machine, a microphone and a cool vibe - making music: This is what the internet is all about - DIY at its finest!
So who are they? Anna Wise (the singer) appears to be in her mid to late tweens and her personal Myspace page has her hailing from Northern Cali (YEAH). While her partner and the apparent beat maker, Dane Orr (who looks like your average cool kid who knows how to mess around on a drum machine) is reppin’ NY State - Schenectady to be exact, although word on the internet streets has them claiming Boston as the groups place of representation.

Anna Wise’s vocals come off insanely sick in that electronica-2010-slightly odd-on some other-kind of way...

Sonnymoon - Gills or Wings
Anna Wise’s vocals come off insanely sick in that electronica-2010-slightly odd-on some other-kind of way;  ranging from high to low to ill (with a little ‘rapping’ and singing in between). Her lyrics are kind of mysterious yet humorously quirky. Dane’s beats are experimentally left-sided and slightly eerie; but at the same not too over-the-top: All together it works.
The dope duo has just released their debut-internet album, Golden Age, which is available for free or for whatever price you want (with a $5 dollar minimum; support the indie cause!).
Although Golden Age was created without any fancy mechanics behind it (which gives it that awesome indie appeal!), on a whole it is a solid, experimental and fresh piece of work. Anna and Dane seem to mesh well together and have potential to grow and develop-  so I will most def be keeping my ear on them in 2010.
Thanks to for the heads up!
The Breakdown:
Band Name: Sonnymoon
Hailing From: Boston,, NY State and Northern Cali
Genre: Electronica, hip hop, and whatever else you wanna throw in the mix
Vocals and Effects: Anna Wise and Dane Orr
Sounds Like: A light mix of Bjork Santigold, Anna Wise and Dane Orr
Label: None
Nuggets of Hotness: Nursery Boys, Runaway, Gills or Wings and Houstatlantavegas (yep, the Drake song)
Sonnymoon Runaway (Video)