Food + Drink

EVENT: PAPER Magazine's Super (Duper) Market

This past weekend, PAPER Magazine held its Super (Duper) Market in Chelsea Market! Dubbed as a pop-up supermarket, the event boasted well-known food artisans from both coasts, such as Mile End Delicatessen, Red Rooster, Liddabit Sweets, Humphrey Slocombe Ice Cream, and Anarchy in a Jar.

I have to admit that I was a bit wary of the market - most of these vendors can already be seen at Smorgasburg, and I visited the market thinking it would be just another NYC food fest. However, I was wrong.

Super (Duper) Market really was more like an actual supermarket than a Smorgasburg-y type market, where you can walk around and choose your meal. The food choices were more along the lines of the bottled, packaged type, so you can take the items to go and enjoy them at home. There were lots and lots of samples (I tasted some delicious organic soymilk from Soy Hound) and there were even non-edible vendors there (and artists) such as Maira Kalman.

The other defining characteristic was the use of Square - unlike most outdoor vending places, the vendors were all able to take credit card through the use of the app and a credit card swiper attached to their iPads. Also, American Express cardmembers were able to get 10% off their purchases (score one for me!). The event was also sponsored by Target, who provided lots of goodies for the visitors. Additionally, PAPER Magazine offered copies of their latest issue on which Adam Levine graces the cover (swoon).

The one vendor that caught my eye was Imperial Woodpecker Sno-Balls. I had never heard of them before, but I am a huge fan of all icy treats, so I went ahead and ordered the very delicious and refreshing Arnold Palmer ($5) which came in an adorable tiny Chinese takeout container. Flavors were wide and intriguing (Tiger Blood?!). Imperial Woodpecker has a store on 124 MacDougal Street that I'll definitely be visiting in the near future (and you should too!)

Super (Duper) Market was definitely successful in further exposing the wonderful local (and not-so-local) small vendors, and also integrating a fairly new technology into the food-vending world. Super (Duper) Market, I welcome you back again anytime!