PHOTO INTERVIEW: Breakfast with...Greenspan
Breakfast with...Baltimore artist MC Greenspan and author with A Good Supply
I met Greenspan at one of the annual Check the Ingredient events held in Baltimore that him and Agood Supply throw every summer. I was already a fan of his music but after a chance meeting found that he was an inspiration and all around stand up dude.
I'm usually at a diner or restaurant for the Breakfast with...but after talking with Green found not only is he an MC but he likes to cook so I decided to trek to Bmore and try one of his omelets. We talked about his music, Baltimore architecture, family and his new music thats coming so check the photo interview...
Roasted Chicken, Cream Cheese and tomato omelet w/toast....CRAZY!
“its fascinating to me how a conversation with someone can influence our day – Good or Bad”
To hear and see more of what Greenspan is accomplishing visit and A Good Supply and follow him @greenspan410