New Music: Kelis - 'They Say' Feat. Kid Cudi and/or John Baptiste
A new song by Kelis was 'leaked' a couple of days ago called 'They Say' and there seems to be some confusion as to whether or not the song was produced by Kid Cudi or John Baptiste... Either way it's finally something new from Kelis. I'm loving her promo pic but I'm not quite sure yet if I'm loving the song. I may need to give it a few more listens. I am digging the soft but raspy sound of her vocals but the male voice in the background (Cudi? Baptiste?) sort of reminds me of Jules De Martino from the Ting Ting's circa 'That's Not My Name - LA Riots Mix'... What y'all think - hot or not?
[audio:|titles=Kelis - They Say feat. Cudi or Baptiste]