
Reg and Stone Talk Music - Men Of The Woods Review, Grammy Redux, and MORE

So most of y'all don't remember, but The Couch Sessions was deep in the podcast game way back in 2005 when we interviewed the likes of Sharon Jones (RIP) and JDavey. So now, 12 years later, podcasting is a "thing" and everybody and their momma has one. Well, we're back in the mix as well. Our concept is simple. Reg (Couch Sessions Music Editor) and Stone (Couch Sessions Founder) sit down every week (usually with some alcoholic accompaniment) and wax poetic about the music topics of the week. We may go broad (like our unabated praise for Migos) or narrow (our discussion of how banning hip-hop affects China's soft power), but there is always some relevant thoughts and discussion in between

This week: The Grammys were the 2016 Elections of music (for music nerds. Our breakdown of your boy Justin's Man of the Woods album, Then we switch to chat about the new controversial Tune-Yards track "Colonizer," and argue why artists like Azealia Banks and Mo'Nique don't get the benefit of the doubt.

And all of our podcasts are below in a convenient playlist:

And as always, please spread the word!