
ART: Art Basel, Not the Miami One, the One in Basel


Since 1970, leading galleries from North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Africa show the work of artists, in the annual "Olympics" of art, Art Basel. Second only to it's sister festival in Miami, it features over 300 galleries and 4,000 artists: from Modern art masters, to the avant-garde. Galleries present an array of paintings, sculpture, photography, videos, prints, installations, and performance art. There is something to do every day including symposiums, films, and artist talks. There are also satellite events in the surrounding area. The lucky ones who get to Basel Switzerland for Art Basel 2013 this week will get to see what we have to look forward to in December in Miami. As we get in gear ourselves for the Sunshine State's version, we look forward to the coverage of the new things we didn't see in Hong Kong, and hopefully another Riff Raff review.

Some exhibits we are looking forward to:

[caption id="attachment_67981" align="alignnone" width="600"]1365684232_6744_3_o Rankin Street, Naeem Mohaiemen[/caption]

Contemporary Indian Gallery Experimenter showcases artists Bani Abidi, Naeem Mohaiemen, Hajra Waheed. Prateek Raja, co-founder of Experimenter tells Huffington Post of his gallery "...we opened the gallery to show artists who dealt with contemporaneity in a particular way, who caught the current moment within their work, made the viewer rethink and re-evaluate one's pre-determined notions and what challenged the boundaries that we set for ourselves." Naeem Mohaimen's sandstone molds, formed from his father's old photographs revisits his family's former neighborhood in relief.

[caption id="attachment_68000" align="alignnone" width="650"]Pull After 'Push,' Frances Stark Pull After 'Push,' Frances Stark[/caption]

L.A.'s Marc Foxx Gallery presents works by Sanya Kantarovsky and Frances Stark. They explore concepts of 'framing' as well as humor, humanity, and the creation of these ideas.
Unlimited is an innovative exhibition which includes large-scale sculpture, paintings, video projections, and installations; and live performances. This section is curated by New York-based curator Gianni Jetzer.


Tuesday, June 11, and Wednesday, June 12 (by invitation only)


Wednesday, June 12, 3pm to 8pm (by invitation only)

Public Days

Thursday, June 13, 11am to 7pm Friday, June 14, 11am to 7pm Saturday, June 15, 11am to 7pm Sunday, June 16, 11am to 7pm

You can follow the Art Basel Facebook Page here.

You can download an Art Basel mobile app here.