
ART: NYC: Jeffrey Gibson: Said the Pigeon to the Squirrel


The National Academy’s Emerging Artist Spotlight showcases Jeffrey Gibson as its first artist of the series with his exhibit Said the Pigeon to the Squirrel. Gibson creates geometric abstract paintings and sculpture influenced by Native American traditions and modernist ideas. From the most traditional elements, such as 19th-century Iroquois beadwork, paint, and rawhide, to non objective possibilities, Gibson expressions connect the present with his culture's traditions.

Jeffrey does not compose images purposely because he is more interested in the elements that make them up. In this state the art he creates can become whatever the viewer perceives: text, objects, anything. He makes "elements of sheer potential," and freezes them in a moment.

After the jump are some pieces from 2012. You'll have to visit the National Academy to see his new work.

[caption id="attachment_67114" align="alignnone" width="650"]tumblr_m4nf3uY2L51qmahsuo1_r3_1280 Everlast, Jefferey Gibson[/caption]

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[caption id="attachment_67115" align="alignnone" width="650"]Nephelococcygia, Jeffrey Gibson Nephelococcygia, Jeffrey Gibson[/caption]

Several events in conjunction with the exhibition will be held. ARTalks and Special Events presented:
June 27, 2013, 7 PM – 12 AM / PLAYLIST: An Evening of Music and Performance
July 10, 2013, 6:30 -8: PM / Abstract Painting and Identity
August 02, 2013, 3 PM / Curator Insights

Said the Pigeon to the Squirrel runs May 23 through Sep 08 2013.

You can get more information about the Jeffrey Gibson here.

You can get more information on the National Academy here.