Food + Drink
EVENT: Edible Manhattan + 'wichcraft's Bryant Park BBQ
Last Wednesday, Edible Manhattan and 'wichcraft's Bryant Park BBQ came to Midtown, bringing all the BBQ you could eat [and all the drinks you can consume] for the price of a ticket. Pork Ribs and BBQ Chicken were the stars of the menu [with the meat provided by Whole Foods], accompanied by Kale Salad, Baked Beans, Green Salad, Salt Potatoes, Cornbread and Mini Cupcakes, as well as a wide variety of drinks.
I worked my way through the alcoholic beverages [namely, the Wolffer Estate Vineyards' Rose Cider and Dutch's Spirits' Lemonade Moonshine] but discovered that my favorite drink there was, far and beyond, the bottle of WTRMLN WTR I scored, which was exactly what its name says it is - it tastes exactly like you're drinking a watermelon.
Lines were a bit long, and the space was pretty tiny, occupying a small corner of Bryant Park - I was expecting more of a picnic-y feel, but seating space [even standing space] was limited. The meat, though tasty, wasn't as mindblowing as I was expecting for an event put on by Edible Manhattan [a publication I devour - no pun intended - whenever their newest issue is out]. Regardless, I don't think anyone would pass up a chance to scarf up some pretty decent BBQ in the middle of one of the prettiest parks in the city, and for a summer Wednesday evening, I definitely got my meat on, and I'm not complaining about that.