Food + Drink

EVENT: Have Dinner with the 'Lusty Vegans' at Eatonville Restaurant [DC]


That frosty nip in the air, the amber-hued foliage can only mean one thing: it’s officially cuffin’ season. If the sweetie you’re diggin’ is doesn't dig animal products, don’t worry: chef Ayinde Howell and relationship blogger Zoe Eisenberg, both long-term vegans, have got you covered. The two minds behind vegan lifestyle website, and writers of the newly released Lusty Vegan: A Cookbook and Relationship Manifesto for Vegans and Those Who Love Them, will be on hand tonight at 14th St restaurant Eatonville to answer all your pressing questions on how to impress your plant-based paramour.

The event, the first in the restaurant’s relaunch of its Food and Folklore series, also includes a four-course vegan dinner with items from Eatonville’s new fall menu designed to please omni and and veg palates alike: think cajun “chicken” and and a fillet de soy inspired by Nobuyuki “Nobu” Matsuhisa’s signature black cod with miso.

For tickets, visit Eatonville’s website.