Food + Drink

EVENT PREVIEW: Wines of South Africa 2014 "From BBQ to Braai" [September 4]


[Photo courtesy of Colangelo & Partners Public Relations]

Get ready for Thursday, NYC - September 4 is the final braai in the Wines of South Africa 2014 "From BBQ to Braai" series. Since the braai back in December at Shelter in Brooklyn, the series has taken the tour from New Orleans and Scottsdale to Key West, Asheville and Minneapolis before finally returning back to NYC. The event will be similar to a casual South African braai (which is Afrikaans for "barbecue" or "grill," and is a typical social custom in many African countries), Chef Hugo Uys will prepare a traditional 10-course braai menu (including ostrich sliders with quail eggs, yum) and regional importers will pour a selection of over 75 wines for guests to sample and enjoy. If the event is anything like last year's, it's sure to be a blast (and you'll probably end up a little more than tipsy, like I was, so be prepared). Grab your tickets ASAP, and see you there!