Food + Drink

FOOD: 99¢ Ice Cream Truck

99¢ ice cream.

If that doesn't catch your attention, the colors and design on the truck definitely will.

Yesterday, I was walking on 14th street and Irving and eevverrryyytthhinnggg stopped.

99¢ Ice Cream truck.

Those of us professionals in the frozen dessert consumption industry are often plagued by the fact most dessert trucks don't take credit cards. I often find myself just shy of the requisite cash for an average street-legal chocolate cone.

With the 99¢ Ice Cream Truck I can now factor maximizing volume and sprinkle density.

When talking to Emil, the truck's owner, I found out his company owns 4 trucks so far along with some of the Yogo trucks servicing the frozen yogurt consumption industry. He's expanding as his business is picking up.

Emil informs me Chinatown is a hotspot for his trucks, but they're making rounds around town in Brooklyn, Queens and Manhattan, so be on the look-out for his trucks.

It'll be the best dollar you'll spend the entire day.