Food + Drink

FOOD: Bite of the Moment: The Cafe Cluny Ice Cream Cart's Peanut Butter Ice Cream


There's nothing like the perfect scoop of ice cream - and it's that time when you've got to enjoy these ice cream weather days while we can.  Luckily for us, Cafe Cluny (one of my favorite brunch/lunch spots in the city) has opened its cart for the summer, presenting delicate little scoops of homemade ice cream in the cutest corner of Manhattan.

On my first visit, I picked peanut butter - a tricky flavor to master, as most don't generate that straight from the spoon taste while still being able to be as light as ice cream - but here, they do it well, and you will definitely be wanting more as soon as it's gone.  A little pricey at $5 a scoop (it comes with the area - though the girl working the cart gave me a little extra, shh), it's worth it for a nice little peanut-buttery pick-me-up.  The cart is open all summer and their Facebook says its open from 1-10pm - go while you still can!

Cafe Cluny
284 West 12th Street
New York, NY 10014