Food + Drink
FOOD: What We're Reading - The Most Delicious Blogs on the Internet
Everyone's a foodie, and these days, it seems like almost everyone is a foodie with a blog. I'm continually sifting through the web to find those quality blogs that have a perfect mix of recipes, food photos, opinion, and the like - and lately, I've been stumbling across some great ones. If you need an idea for what to cook for dinner, where to go, or even how to style your meal, here's what I've been reading (and getting inspired by) lately. I'm always looking for a good new Internet read - let me know your favorite food blogs (besides Couch Sessions Food + Drink, of course) in the comments!
Smitten Kitchen - If you want a recipe for practically anything at all - visit Deb's blog. The food photos are beautifully styled to the point where you want to just reach through the computer and take a bite. Deb started her blog from her little NYC kitchen and has expanded to a huge following and even a book. She strays from using fussy ingredients and complicated methods, so anyone can make anything - she even provides conversion charts. You can browse by season, fruit, vegetable, the list goes on - so you can easily pick a great meal to cook up - and hopefully style as well as Deb does.
The Girl Who Ate Everything - You won't find many recipes on here - but you'll definitely find a ton of food. I first discovered Robyn's blog back in 2007 when I was just getting my footing as a foodie and it was probably one of the first food blogs I really started to follow. Robyn doesn't post as frequently as she used to (she is currently one of the voices - and photographers - behind Serious Eats) but each post is chock-full of food porn like you wouldn't believe. If you're living in NYC, you'll want to hop out of your chair and head to any of the places she photographs.
Fresh Off The Boat - If you don't already know about Eddie Huang - where have you been? I've already confessed my love - to get to my level, visit Baohaus in the East Village, check out the memoir and VICE show of the same moniker as the blog, and read the blog itself. Eddie doesn't update as frequently as he used to (he's got a lot going on) but the past articles are worth a read. You'll follow Eddie on many of his escapades, such as filming for Fresh Off The Boat, and exploring new things to eat, and if you want, you can read his opinions on Asian-American culture, and of course, his play-by-play of Girls episodes.
Oh Joy! - Not primarily a food blog, but definitely full of eye candy - literally. Joy takes us through recipes, favorite bites of the moment, and her blog takes us on a continual foodie tour of the LA area that makes me want to hop on a plane and meet her for lunch. Joy also touches upon art, fashion, and more - and her love for bright style and design are clear, even through her food posts - how adorable are these fruit striped ice cubes?
David Lebovitz - If you're looking for a laugh while you're looking for your next dessert recipe, check out David Lebovitz's blog - David is an expat living in Paris, and is continually posting hilariously witty accounts of swimming through life in France. David is my go-to for recipes such as his peach sorbet. Ice cream and chocolate are his forte, but you'll find other great dishes as well. He's also a great resource for anything you'll need to know as an American in Paris - gluten-free guides, what to bring back from Paris, and he even hosts tours through the country that touch upon his favorite foodie spots.
Freutcake - Leah Bergman's blog is full of foodie gems, such as Cocktail Fridays and mini-excursions to eateries in her cute LA neighborhood. Leah describes Freutcake as "cheery, fun, and ladylike" and that's exactly what it is. Her recipes are quirky and fun - check out the Margarita Cupcakes, complete with a tequila-filled straw. Like Joy of Oh Joy!, she's also got art, design, lifestyle, and fashion posts down, which explains her cute, charming food styling. You'll want to invite your friends over for her cocktails and treats, if you can tear yourself away from the blog.