FASHION: Invest in your Denim
So I was talking with a good friend about how I clean my jeans and she gave me funny looks left and right. All I said was I put my jeans in a freezer and plan to wear them in the water at the beach this weekend, cool right? Not to her. It has been about 4 years since I bought my first pair of Japanese selvedge denim and I will never go back to buying $40 jeans every 6 months. Like any other product, with the improvement of quality, as time passed the product only wears to be a better product. Not making sense, check it...
A good pair of denim will range from $150- $250 and prices do go up. However, the emphasis to be made here is why raw denim? Raw denim can last you 15 plus years and as the years go on each fade, rip, and tear was made by you and not the manufacturer. After years with your precious denim, getting into them will only get better as they form to your body, how you walk, and what you do. The process of maintaining your denim breaks down to a science and the video shown below will allow you to appreciate the time taken to make your jeans.